Mainly Organic Fertilizer, Supplemented by Chemical Fertilizer

Excessive use of chemical fertilizer is absolutely harmful and unhelpful!However,chemical fertilizer has high nutrients and quick effects(as long as it is used reasonably),which is still very important for stabilizing and increasing agricultural yield.When organic fertilizer is applied,the beneficial biological activities improve the soil structure,increase the soil water and fertilizer retention capacity,reduce the loss of nutrients,and increase the effective utilization rate of chemical fertilizer to more than 50%.It can also reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer and reduce the cost of fertilization.


Therefore,the fertilization principle of “mainly organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer” is the most reasonable fertilization method at present!


Organic fertilizer with chemical fertilizer has five advantages:


Advantage 1: Chemical fertilizer has high nutrient content and fast fertilizer efficiency,but it has short duration and single nutrient.On the contrary, organic fertilizer can learn from each other’s strengths and make up for their weaknesses by mixing organic fertilizer with chemical fertilizer,so as to meet the nutrient needs of crops in each growth period.

 organic potato

Advantage 2: After chemical fertilizer is applied to the soil,some nutrients are absorbed or fixed by the soil,reducing the effectiveness of nutrients.After mixed application with agricultural fertilizer,the contact surface between chemical fertilizer and soil can be reduced,the probability of chemical fertilizer being fixed by soil can be reduced, and the effectiveness of nutrients can be improved.


Advantage 3: The general chemical fertilizer has high solubility,which causes high osmotic pressure on the soil after application, affects the absorption of nutrients and water by crops,and increases the chance of nutrient loss. If mixed with organic fertilizer,it can overcome this disadvantage and promote the absorption of nutrients and water by crops.


Advantage 4: If acid fertilizer is only applied to alkaline soil, after ammonium is absorbed by plants,the remaining acid roots combine with hydrogen ions in the soil to form acid,which will lead to increased acidity and intensified soil hardening.If mixed with organic fertilizer,it can improve the buffering capacity of soil,effectively adjust the pH,and keep the soil acidity from increasing.


Advantage 5: Because organic fertilizer is the energy for microbial life, chemical fertilizer is the inorganic nutrition for microbial growth and development.The mixed use of the two can promote the vitality of microorganisms,and then promote the decomposition of organic fertilizer. The activities of soil microorganisms can also produce vitamins, biotin and niacin, increase soil nutrients, improve soil vitality and promote the growth of crops.

 organic tomato

Using organic fertilizer instead of some chemical fertilizer to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer and increase the amount of organic fertilizer is not only the scientific strategy of agricultural fertilization at present,but also the direction and trend of fertilization at present and in the future!This is a very important way to fertilize soil fertility,protect agricultural environment, stabilize soil fertility and improve yield.

Post time: Nov-12-2021