Is humic acid organic matter?

Is humic acid organic matter?

People's planting and management methods are constantly changing with the advancement of science and technology. However, the status of soil as the carrier of crop growth has not been shaken. It can be seen how important soil is to the growth of all things! For all things to grow well, the fertility of the soil is one of the main determinants, and the content of organic matter in the soil determines the fertility of the soil.

FIRST, organic matter ≠ humic acid

Polymer chemists believe that the content of lignin determines the content of humic acid.

Soil scientists believe that soil organic matter forms humus humic acid through natural mineralization/humification, ranging from two to three years to one hundred years.

Coal chemical scientists believe that peat, weathered coal, and lignite are rich in humic acid. Among them, the formation of peat takes thousands of years, and the humic acid content is generally greater than 20%; the formation of weathered coal and lignite takes tens of millions to hundreds of millions of years, and the humic acid content is relatively high, about 40% to 70%. More than 30 years of scientific research have shown that coal humic acid and soil humic acid have similar physical properties, chemical composition, molecular structure, and molecular weight range, and have consistent application characteristics.

Organic matter that people usually refer to mainly use crop straw, livestock and poultry manure, industrial by-products (distiller's grains, sugar mill waste, animal fur, etc.), urban kitchen waste, etc. as raw materials, most of the lignin content is very low, difficult to Forms industrial-grade humic acid.


HOWEVER, humic acid must be the best organic matter!

Humic acid is the most dynamic element of organic matter in the soil, and the role of humic acid can be summarized as "five agents"

1. Humic acid is a soil conditioner

Humic acid can promote the formation of soil aggregate structure, reduce soil bulk density, increase the amount of cation replacement, and adjust soil pH, thereby helping to improve soil water retention, fertilizer retention, heat preservation, and aeration capacity.

In addition, since humic acid is a high-molecular organic matter, it can provide sufficient carbon source and energy for soil microorganisms after being applied to the soil, and promote the metabolism and reproduction of microorganisms, thereby increasing the retention of soil microorganisms, enhancing the activity of soil microorganisms, and improving the soil microenvironment. This is especially important for improving and fertilizing the soil.

2. Humic acid is a synergist for fertilizers

The multiple functions of humic acid for nitrogen control and slow-release, phosphorus removal and synergy, potassium leaching prevention, and activation of micronutrients are particularly important, which can greatly improve fertilizer efficiency and balanced nutrient supply.

3. Humic acid is a good adjuvant for pesticides

Humic acids themselves have similar functions to pesticides. Studies have shown that after spraying humic acid foliar fertilizer, the incidence of pepper bacterial wilt, the incidence of peanut rust, and the rotten fruit rate were significantly reduced.

4. Humic acid is an antidote to pollutants

Soluble chromium and cadmium are highly toxic heavy metal elements. Cr was adsorbed by soil colloid in the form of humic acid chelate, thereby promoting the significant reduction of chromium concentration in soil solution. Therefore, after the application of humic acid, the toxic heavy metal ions in the soil undergo an adsorption reaction, thereby significantly reducing its toxicity.

5. Humic acid is a promoter of plant growth

Soil application of humic acid found in compost fertilizer or foliar application of humic acid can improve the germination rate and germination potential of seeds, stimulate the growth of crop roots, increase the activity of metabolic enzymes in plants, enhance the stress resistance of crops, improve the efficiency of photosynthesis, and improve the quality of agricultural products. improve. The effect of humic acid on plant growth is similar to that of plant hormones, so for recipient plants, humic acid is a regulator or promoter of plant growth.

To sum up, it fully shows that humic acid environment-friendly fertilizer is the most vital force in the national fertilizer zero growth action.

Post time: May-12-2022